Maintain the ice cream portals so you can explore the depths of the ice cream dimension! Don't delve too greedily though...the unknown is not always great


  • Mouse / Arrow Keys / Touch Screen - Move player
  • X - Acknowledge text


Created for TriJam 278
Theme: The great unknown
Development Time: 5 hours

Also submitted to Summer Game Jam 2024
Theme: 0 Days since Last Accident

Source code available on GitHub


Inspired by the Neopets game Ice Cream Machine

Music is from Gruber's Pico-8 Tunes Vol. 2, Track 2 - Need for Speed, Track 10 - Dimensional Gate
Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


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This is fun! But uhh does Day 4 end? It’s quite long.

It does end, but not by itself ;)


I figured it out! :D